Playing Brain Age15) 玩益智電子遊戲Anyone who has ever begged their parents for a videogame system knows the standard lines of appeal (“You don't want me to have inferior hand-eye coordination, do you?”). Now kids can argue that some games may make them smarter. That's the promise of Nintendo's Brain Age, which claims to “help t百家樂賺錢,rain your memory and keep your mind sharp” through reading exercises, math puzzles, and other mental gymnastics. After diligent effort, p改善脂肪肝,layers routinely see their “brain age” plu妹妹et from, say, a sluggish 60 to a taut 30.
But the improved performance may not be a sign of wit-sharpening. Many users start with little gaming experience, so it's not surprising that their scores improve—a phenomenon known as the practice effect. Sadly, there's no evidence that in-game gains translate to the real world.
每一個曾恳求怙恃買電子遊戲機的孩子城市那一套尺度化的哀求说辞:“你们莫非不想讓我具备高人一筹的手眼和谐能力吗?”如今,孩子们可以向怙恃争辩道,有些遊戲可讓他们更聪慧。這恰是任天國公司的《大脑期間》的许诺,這款遊戲宣称,浏览操练、数學题及其他脑力體操,可以“有助于练習你的影象力,連结思惟灵敏”。經由過程勤恳的尽力,遊戲者将可以看到他们的“大脑春秋”骤降,好比從反响缓慢的60岁降到反响灵敏的 30岁。